The Aimé-Cotton laboratory is a member of the SFP
The Laboratoire Aimé-Cotton (LAC), located in Orsay, is an evolutionary research formation (FRE no 2038) of the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) and the Université Paris-Saclay. It was created at the initiative of the famous physicist Aimé Cotton, the project was started as early as 1914 to be finally inaugurated by Aimé Cotton on July 9, 1928.
Creation of the Great Electro-Magnet Laboratory
Created in 1927, it was the annex of the Laboratory of Physical Research of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Paris. (1890-1970)
Renamed to “Aimé Cotton Laboratory”
First laboratory to take the name of a person, this initiative was pushed by Pierre Jacquinot.
Moving to the Orsay campus
The LAC moves to the Orsay campus under the direction of Robert Chabbal.
The LAC becomes a UMR
The LAC goes from a UPR to a UMR under triple supervision (CNRS, Université Paris-Saclay, formerly Paris-Sud, ENS de Cachan).
Transition of the UMR to a FRE
The UMR is dissolved in 2019 to make way for the FRE 2038, which takes the name of the laboratory, and the LuMin.