Thorium Th II

Odd Levels
Even levels
5f7s2 2F5/2 4 490
5f6d7s 4H7/2 6 168
5f6d2 4H7/2 12 486
6d7s7p 4F3/2 23 373
6d27p 28 244?
7s27p 2P1/2 31 626
5f27p 4I9/2 49 496?
5f7p2 4G5/2 54 360?
5f3 4I9/2 55 000 ± 5 000
6d27s 4F3/2 0*
6f7s2 2D3/2 1 860*
6d3 4F3/2 7 001
5f27s 4H7/2 24 382
5f7s7p 4G5/2 26 489
5f6d7p 4I9/2 30 453
5f26d 4K11/2 32 620

* Due to a strong multiconfiguration mixing, the indicated configuration accounts for less than 50 % of the eigenfunction.