S.A.F.E Secure Wheelchair

S.A.F.E Secure Wheelchair

alt textFor several decades, the number of users of electric wheelchairs has been constantly increasing, whether it is a question of problems linked to the end of life, a congenital pathology or acquired pathology. However, many people do not have access to this solution because a disability associated with the motor disability does not allow them to drive the wheelchair safely:
Visual disorders, attention disorders, motor coordination disorders, cognitive disorders, etc. However, the medical community agrees on the necessity of access to autonomous movement, for the intellectual, personal, social and cultural development of any person, whether disabled or not. We have been working for several years on the design of an opto-electronic system, which aim to equip any electric wheelchair, in order to secure its displacements in all conditions (indoors and outdoors, in sunlight, at night, in fog, in rain, etc.), in order to prevent any falls or tipping over on a slope as well as collisions with obstacles in the vicinity.


Chair in Disability & Technology

Documentary Resources

Test of the chair with blind pilot